Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lesson 7: Growing Up –Just Like Jesus

Day One: Gifts
After your prayer, what is your summary of Ephesians 4:7-16?
The gifts given to each individual in the body <contrasts with> we are all together one

There are different words used for gifts in Ephesians 7-8.

When were gifts given to men?
4:8- when He ascended on high

What did you learn about the giving of gifts from these cross-references?
John 7:37-39
The Holy Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus was not yet glorified

I Corinthians 12:4-11
There are varieties of gifts, service and activities: but the same God who empowers them all
The manifestation of the Spirit (wisdom, knowledge, faith, etc.) is given to each for the good of the Body

I also looked at Romans 12:6
Gifts that differ according to the grace given to us

Day Two: Ephesians 4:9-10
What did you learn about Jesus from these verses?
Ø  He ascended
Ø  He descended into the lower parts of the earth
Ø  He ascended far about all the heavens
Ø  He ascended, so that He might fill all things

Scripture helps interpret Scripture. Let’s look at some other passages to see if they help us better understand these two verses…
Psalm 68:1-18
Who?  The Lord        & Host of captives
What? Ascended on high     & received gifts among men
Why?  That the Lord God may dwell there

Acts 2:22-36
God raised Jesus Christ up from death

I Peter 3:18-22
Put to death in the flesh/ alive in the spirit
He went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey [rebellious?]
Now in Heaven at the right hand of God

What does the Bible teach about Hades?
Matthew 16:18
The gates of Hell shall not win against the church!

Luke 16:23
In torment
Can see Abraham’s bosom at a distance

Revelation 1:18
Christ has the keys of Death and Hades, because He died and is alive forevermore

Revelation 20:13-14
Those who are dead and in Hades will be judged individually, according to what they have done. After judgment, death and Hades will be thrown into the lake of fire, the second death.

What is your explanation of Ephesians 4:9-10?
We admitted in class that this is a very difficult passage to dissect. If you read the King James Version, it says that "He led captivity captive". Several ladies thought this referred to the idea that Christ has captured and conquered death and sin. Death no longer has power over us, because Christ has conquered death. It is easy to picture a post-war parade in this verse, with Christ leading those He has captured through the streets, proclaiming His victory over them.

Day Three: Ephesians 4:11-13
We will be looking at spiritual gifts a little more closely, as we veer from our Precept study to learn from Network. (Check your email for next week's homework!)

Meanwhile, here is a list of various spiritual gifts mentioned throughout Scripture (see board on left):

If pastors and teachers refer to one gift, what does this tell you about the responsibility of this person?
They are to guide, teach, tend and heal. This is a huge and heavy responsibility!
            A shepherd in the Near East was responsible for watching out for enemies trying to attack the sheep, defending the sheep from attackers, healing the wounded and sick sheep, finding and saving lost or trapped sheep and sharing their lives and earning their trust.

Day Four: Word Study Day

What purpose do these gifted men serve in the body of Christ? How does the proper exercise of the gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 affect the body of Christ?  

The gifts are for:
          1.     the equipping of the saints for the work   of service
          2.     building up the body of Christ
                 a.     attain unity of the faith
                 b.     knowledge of the Son of God
                 c.      maturity
               d.     the measure of the stature which        belongs to the fullness of Christ
As a result:
1.     we are no longer to be children (4:14)
       a.     tossed here and there by the waves
       b.     carried about by ever wind of doctrine
       c.     carried about by the trickery of men
       d.     carried about by craftiness in deceitful scheming
2.     we ARE to be speaking the truth in love
3.     we ARE to grow up in ALL aspects into Christ (4:15)
4.   we have unity of the faith (4:13)
5.   we have proper working of the body (4:16)
6.   we have the growth of the body (4:16)
7.   the body is building itself in love (4:16)

When looking at the photo of the board above, the words in red (in the middle) are also the litmus test of whether the gift being practiced is truly of God or of self. That's something to think about!

Day Five
What were the main points of Ephesians 4:7-16?
Ø  Building up of the body of Christ
Ø  unity
Ø  maturity
Ø  sanctification

From the context, what does “speaking the truth in love” mean?
We should be speaking proper doctrine – lovingly – to one another: not spouting the doctrine of the month.

From Ephesians 4:7-16 and Colossians 2:19, what causes growth of the body?
4:15    Hold fast to the Head- Christ
Growth is caused by:
1.     gifts that equip
2.     service that builds
3.     unity of the faith
4.     knowledge of the Son of God
5.     true doctrine
6.     each individual working together for the body

*Note: It is GOD who does all of the above- not us!

  Notice the progression from small -> large in Eph 4:11-13 and Jesus’ Commission to the disciples in Acts 1:7-8. Interesting parallel.  Can you think of other things that parallel this in scripture?  What implications does this have for our lives?
Eph                                                    Acts
Individual gifts (me)                   Jerusalem                            small
|                                                         Judea                                      |
|                                                         Samaria                                 |
Corporate benefit(us)                Ends of the earth              large

o       Do the Spiritual Gifts Assessment starting on p. 53.
o       Do the Reference Assessment starting on p. 72.
o       Next week we will be focusing on our unique spiritual gifts and how they work with the passions God gives us and with our personalities to see how we can be used to build up the church, His body.  Please bring your results with you!
o       We will discuss Lesson 8 in two weeks.  Please don’t leave it till the second week as we planned extra time to do Lesson 8 as it has some longer days.

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