Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lesson 5: The Hidden Mystery Now Revealed

Let’s open our time of study with prayer as we continue to ask that the eyes of our hearts will be enlightened.
Day One: Overview, Ephesians 3:1-21
Kim's Paragraph divisions for Eph 3:1-21:
1-13   Paul's ministry to proclaim Gentiles' inclusion
14-19 Prayer to understand and be filled with God's love
20-21 Doxology

Our group list of key words in first three chapters:
  • Abundantly
  • According to... 
  • All
  • Bless(ed)(ing)
  • Body
  • Build(ing)/Dwelling 
  • Faith
  • Formerly 
  • Glory
  • Grace
  • Holy Spirit
  • In Him
  • In the Heavenly places
  • Inheritance
  • Know(n)(ledge) 
  • Love
  • Mystery
  • One
  • Peace 
  • Power
  • Pray(ers) 
  • Reconcile
  • Remember
  • To the praise of His glory
  • Walk

Did you see any patterns in the flow of thought in the first three chapters? {#3b p. 61}  
  • Who we are and what we have in Jesus
  • How our lives flow: God (it always starts with God) -> we are sealed, saved and filled with power -> mystery moves from the Jews to be shared with the Gentiles -> because we are saved- we have peace and power
  •  Blessings (In Christ)- Prayer -Blessings (Death to Life, Unity) -Prayer  

Memory Verse: Ephesians 3:16-19 or 3:20-21
Day Two: Paul's Ministry
From Ephesians and other cross references, what have we learned about Paul? He is...
  • in prison
  • recieving tribulations on behalf of the Ephesians
  • close relationship to the Lord
  • He has a clear sense of his calling and ministry: to bring the gospel to the Gentiles
  • Confident and bold in sharing
  • finished well (2 Timothey 1:8-12)

How can we apply Pauls’ example to our own lives?
  • What is my purpose/mission for life?
  • Am I following the commands to all Christians (in general)?
  • I want to finish saying, "I have fought the good fight".
  • Stay focused on the ministry we know God has given us:
    • wife
    • mother: a high calling and responsibility
    • Time that has been given us to study His word (equipping of the Bride)

Day 3 – The Church, His Body
Throughout Ephesians, what are the various names and titles for the church? The graph on the left is the one that Kim drew for us in class.

·     Mystery – #3466: mysterion
·     The Jews understood they were God's chosen people and it was baffling that the Gentiles could be chosen too! Even throughout the Old Testament, God's heart has always been for everyone to be included. There were many Gentiles that were "grafted in", even in the lineage of Christ.
    Free and fearless confidence      Trust and reliance                                                                      Act of bringing to
Day 4 – Prayer
FOR THIS REASON---What is the reason for the prayer?
o   Possibilities…
§  Gentiles and Jews are one in Christ and make up His body
§  Reconciling was part of God’s plan
§  He was given the grace to make this mystery known
o   Led him to pray for Ephesians…
Dwell -#2730: katoikeo 
                o   What did you learn from reading verses on p.68-69
§  Kept coming back to the love of Christ!!!
Day 5 – Commentaries
o   Any insights from looking at commentaries? {pg 70}
There are a lot of relationship analogies in Ephesians
  • We are the body, Christ is the Head
  • We are a family. God is the Father and Christ is our brother
  • Temple of the Spirit: we are living stones and Christ is the cornerstone
  • Church is the Bride and Christ is the Bridegroom

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