Thursday, October 3, 2013

Lesson 4: A Member of the Family

Isn’t it lovely to have a place where you belong? Ah, what a peaceful state that is. Paul shares in Ephesians 2:11-22 how it is possible to belong to a new administration: the unity of Jews and Gentiles. In Day 1’s homework, we were reminded that a Gentile is “a person who belongs to a nation other than Israel”.
Day 1: Before & After
The New Inductive Study Bible defines a metaphor as “an implied comparison between two different things”.
What were some of the metaphors you observed in Ephesians 2?
·        Uncircumcision vs Circumcision (11)
·        Strangers to the covenants of promise vs. the commonwealth of Israel (12)
·        Those who were far away vs. those who are near (17)
·        Strangers and aliens vs. fellow citizens with the saints (19)
Everyone loves before and after pictures! You know those makeover shows where they show you the amazing transformation after they tried a brand of makeup, lost weight or a new clothes/hairstyle. Oh such fun! Well, the truth is, we have great before and after pictures of our lives already if we have trusted Christ. Paul lays out a verbal picture of who were were before Christ and who we are after Christ.
Who we were before Christ

Who we are after Christ

Chart [38] [41] [46-47]
Redemption [21]
through His blood(1:7)
of God’s own possession (1:14)
Eph 2:1-19 [Chart 41] Eph 2:11-22 {Chart 46}
Forgiveness of our trespasses
Titus 3:1-8 [Chart 41]
He made known to us the mystery of His will
John 8:34
To obtain an inheritance (1:11)
Romans 6:16-23
Sealed with the H.S. of promise (1:13) as a pledge of our inheritance (1:25)
Dead in trespasses and sins (2:1,5)
Made us alive together with Christ (2:5)
Walked according to the course of this world (2:2)
Raised us up with Him (2:6)
Controlled by prince of the power of the air (2:2)
Seated us in the heavenly places in C.J. (2:6)
Sons of disobedience (2:2)
Not of yourselves, it is a gift of God’s grace (2:5,8)
*our predestination, redemption, salvation, adoption as sons are all gifts of God’s grace.
Lived in the lusts of our flesh (2:3)
Not a result of works (2:9)
Indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind (2:3)
We are His workmanship (2:10)
By nature children of wrath (2:3)
Predestined us to adoption as sons
Predestined to good works (2:10)
Separate from Christ (2:12)
Brought near by the blood of Christ (2:13,17)
Excluded from the commonwealth of Israel (2:12)
Access in one Spirit to the Father (2:18)
Strangers to the covenants of promise (2:12)
Fellow citizens with the saints (2:19)
Having no hope (2:12)
Of God’s household (2:19)
Without God in the world (2:12)
Growing into a holy temple in the Lord (2:21)
Far away (2:17)
Being built into a dwelling of God in the Spirit (2:22)
I Peter 2:4-10 [57]
strangers and aliens (2:19)
Titus 3:5-7
I Cor. 6:19-20
I Jn. 3:1-3
I Cor. 15:50-54 [27]
I Thess 5:23-24 [34]
Chart [38]

Reconciliation [53]
Rom. 5:6-10

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:14-15
Day 2: Remember
Gentiles, remember that you were:
·      Once separate from Christ
·      Excluded from the commonwealth of Israel
·      Strangers to the covenants of promise
·      Having no hope
·      Without God in the world
    What did you learn from marking covenant and circumcision in Genesis 17?
·      Promise: multitude of nations
·      Name change
·      Promise: land
·      Circumcision: A permanent sign of the covenant. No going back!
·      Servants were included in the covenant

Rom. 9:30-33: Passive Righteousness
Jews vs. Gentiles
Works vs. Grace

Day 3: Covenant

Day 4: Christ
(12)    The Uncircumcision were separated from Christ
(13)    now, in CJ, you who were far off are near
            by the blood of Christ
(14)    He is our peace
            made both groups into one
            broke down the barrier wall
(15)    He abolished the enmity in His flesh         
            made the two into one, establishing peace
(16)    He reconciled them both in one body to God through the cross
(17)    He preached peace to you who were far away
                                                those who were near
(18)    through Him, we both have access in one Spirit to the Father
(20)    CJ is the cornerstone of God’s household
2:21    the whole building is growing into a holy temple in the Lord

abolishing (Ephesians 2:15, having abolished [KJV]) #2673: katargeo

·      He rendered the Law of commandments to no longer have efficiency, force, influence or power. He put an end to them and made them completely inactive.

new (Eph. 2:15) #2537: kainos

·      He did something unheard of!

What caused enmity between the two?
Acts 11:1-18
Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised
They were harassing Peter about eating with the uncircumcised. Peter explains his vision (sheet and animals)- the three men coming to his house- the man who saw an angel who told him about Peter- Peter preaching and the HS baptizing the Gentiles. When the Jews heard this, they fell silent and worshiped God.

Colossians 2:16-17
Let no one pass judgment on you regarding food, drink and festivals. These are a shadow of things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

How was the enmity between Jew and Gentile abolished?
Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

(14)    Christ is our peace
(15)    Christ established peace by abolishing the Law
(17)    Christ preached peace to the Jews and Gentiles
Isaiah 9:6-7   Prince of Peace: His peace will never end

He reconciled completely so as to remove all brotherly hatred and leave no impediment to unity and peace.

enmity  #2189: echtra
reconcile #2644: katallasso

·      While we were enemies to God, we were brought back to a complete state of harmony by the death of Jesus Christ. Now that we are restored, how much more shall we be saved through His life?

Colossians 1:18-23
·      In Christ, all things are reconciled to Himself
§  In Heaven and on earth
§  Making peace by the blood of His cross
§  He reconciled all who were once alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds
·      In His body of flesh/ by His death
·      In order to present you holy and blameless above reproach before Him
II Corinthians 5:17-21
§  All reconciliation is from God!
§  God reconciled us to Himself through Christ
§  God have us the ministry of reconciliation?
§  God has committed to us the word of reconciliation
§  God did not count our trespasses against us
§  As ambassadors of Christ, we beg you to be reconciled to God
How are we reconciled to God?       Through the death of JC
What are you to do according to II Cor 5:18-21?
Day 5: Cornerstone
What did you observe about the building?
cor·ner·stone [kawr-ner-stohn] noun
1. a stone uniting two masonry walls at an intersection.
2. a stone representing the nominal starting place in the construction of a monumental building, usually carved with the date and laid with appropriate ceremonies.
3. something that is essential, indispensable, or basic: The cornerstone of democratic government is a free press.
4. the chief foundation on which something is constructed or developed: The cornerstone of his argument was that all people are created equal.

Ephesians 2:20, “having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone,”
Psalm 118:22            The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone
Isaiah 8:13-15           He will be a stone of offense
                                                            A rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel
                                  Many shall stumble on it
Isaiah 28:16              I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation
Matthew 21:42-44   this was the Lord’s doing
                                    The one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces
                                    When it falls on anyone, it will crush him
Acts 4:8-12              This man was healed by the name of Jesus
Jesus is the stone that you, the builders, rejected and has become the cornerstone.
                                    There is salvation in no one else!
Romans 9:30-33    The Jews who tried to obtain righteousness by works, stumbled over the stumbling stone.
I Peter 2:4-10
The Stone

The Recipients

Living stone rejected by men
Also called living stones
Builders rejected
Being built up into a spiritual house
Choice and precious stone in God’s sight
Built up for a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices
In Zion, is laid a choice stone: a precious cornerstone
This value is for you who believe
The stone the builders rejected became the very cornerstone of stumbling and a rock of offense to those who disbelieve
A chosen race
A royal priesthood
A holy nation
A people for God's own possession

That you may proclaim His excellencies

Called out of darkness into His light

You were once not a people now you are the people of God

You had not received mercy, but now you have

What came after the foundation built on the apostles and prophets?   God’s household (Eph 1:22-23)
Fitted together (Ephesians 2:21) #4883: synarmologeo
Since it is in present tense (meaning continuous action) we know that the house is in process. We are not a finished state yet.

What role does the Spirit play in what you’ve studied this week?
Sealed with the Holy Spirit
Being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit
It is through the Holy Spirit that I am continuing to grow and be built


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