Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lesson 3 – Seated In Heavenly Places

Well, ladies...I was gone for a retreat this weekend, so, you will just get a copy of Kim's notes for the lesson. Let us know if you have any questions!
·      Sing  “How Rich a Treasure We Possess”
·      Last week – who we are in Christ
o   Chosen before the foundation of the world
o   Adopted into His family
o   Saved by the grace at God’s initiative
o   Sealed with the Holy Spirit
o   Heirs of God in Christ, obtained an inheritance
o   Destined for redemption as God’s own possession
o   For the praise of his glory
Day 1
·      Pray through Eph 1:17-19
·      Read through John 17
o   gives another view into the relationship between Jesus and the Father – in addition to  Eph 1:15-23
o   Click here to look at Kim's Handout
§  How much God does for His children!
§  How we are to glorify Him to the world
Day 2
·      Give out Word study sheet
·      What does Paul want the Ephesians to know (based on his prayer in v. 15-19)? {pg. 33 #2}  These 3 things…
o   What stood out to you on {pg. 34} about the HOPE of His calling?
o   Review about His inheritance for us from last week…what do you remember?
o   What grabbed you from your word studies about the surpassing greatness of His power?

 Day 3 – starting Eph 2

·      On {pg. 38}, you started a list of Formerly-and Now (In Christ)
o   Encourage to keep going with that throughout book
o   Review list #3 {pg. 38}
o   Point out parallel between Christ (1:20) and us (2:6)
§  Both have been 1) raised up and 2) seated
o   Now that I am _______________, I’m no longer __________________.
Day 4
·      What struck you from the word studies of faith and believe?
·      How is faith related to grace base on our study of grace in Lesson 2 and of faith here in Eph 2:8-9?
·      Look at {pg. 40 4d}.  Read Rom 3:19-26.  Point out parallels between Rom 3 and Eph 2.
o   In Sin
o   Fall short, not saved by works
o   BUT
o   Grace!
o   To reveal Himself to us (kindness, righteousness, justice)
Day 5
·      Formerly we walked according to the power of Prince of the Air…looking at who that is.  {pp.41-42}, what are the characteristics of the “Prince of the Power of the Air?”
·      What is the good news we find in Eph 1:19-21 {letter f pp.41-21}?
o   And Heb 2:14-15? {#2 pg. 4}
o   And John 12:30-33? {#3 pg. 43}
Wrap up
·      What will you apply from this?  Be specific.

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